- Galvanised Tissue Box, Fog Linen$34
- Red Oven/ Pot Mitten, Fog Linen$22
- Lobo Orange Tray, Michael Marriott$34
- 2025 Lunar Calendar by Anna Hodgson & Harry Darby$39
- Patched Calico Duvet Cover$280
- Calico Pillowcase (Pair)$69
- Silver Plate, Fog Linen$22
- Floor Cushion$182
- La Grotta Ices, Kitty Travers$43
- Supplement to the Italian Dictionary, POSTER by Bruno Manari$26
- Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Chair, POSTER by Bruno Manari$26
- Variations on the Theme of the Human Face, POSTER by Bruno Manari$26
- Fable Game: Cat, POSTER by Enzo Mari$32
- Galvanised Utensil Stand, Fog Linen$17
- Galvanised Steel Dustpan$14
- Hariko (papier-maché) masks made by Furukawa in Kyoto (three options)$56
- Bamboo Duster$14
- Spice Grinder, Built Editions (six colour options)$142
- Bamboo Scraper for Graters & Zesters$10
- Bolster Cushion$182