Klay Blog
Packing Klay Orders
We try to re-use & make-do using the packaging from deliveries we get. Our stickers, tapes and stamps come from stationery and packaging shops in India & Japan, deep in industrial areas and through business contacts we have made over the years.
We have been collaborating with artists to create postcards & stamps that we send out with your orders. I thought I would share a bit about our packaging & our postcards.

Re-used packaging
When we get deliveries we separate bubble wrap, paper, card, newspaper, tissue and packing peanuts and put these into different boxes and bags in our storage room, ready to be re-used for sending out your orders.
This does look a bit scrappy, but we think it is charming too :)

Japanese newspaper
The most precious of all our recycled packaging. I hope you can keep it and re-use it for something too.
We LOVE re-using newspaper from other countries that comes with deliveries we get. Most of our stock and material comes from Japan <3 so we have a lot of recycled Japanese newspaper that gets re-used in your orders. Before I left Japan I stocked up on newspapers too... especially baseball specials.

We use newspaper to add extra protection between goods.

It is fun when we get packaging that is adverts for food/ grocery specials in other countries. I found this Japanese page of Bento Box specials very beautiful. I hope whoever got this order appreciated it too :)

I sometimes see news about Palestine in Japanese newspapers too. I use google translate to read them (mid way packing orders) & from the odd news I do see, the Japanese coverage of the genocide and "israel's" violent crimes are much more truthfully told than in the NZ mainstream news, which has been terrible.

Stickers + tapes
Sourced from Japan, and before that stationery shops in India.
We always use MT washi tapes to wrap orders. We sometimes get them from a stationery shop called Milligram, but mostly I just stock up when we go back to Japan from stationery and packaging shops we found there. I used to bring back tape and packaging materials when I would travel to India more often too.

We decorate our packages with colourful tapes and dot stickers, placed to create different patterns and arrangements. We started Klay with hardly any money... actually only $500 worth of fabrics. We couldn't even afford care labels for a while! Being resourceful & creative is something we find fun and inspiring. We try to create our own sort of brand identity of packaging through playing with stationery and recycled packing we have around us.

Note paper
Colourful, textured Japanese paper that we write notes on that go with your orders.
I was very inspired in Japan seeing the beautiful packaging everyday things came in. We visited a pickle shop in Ohara (near Kyoto) called Shibakyu and I really loved the colourful paper & stamps they used on their pickle packaging.

After being inspired by the paper used at Shibakyu, we set out to try to find similar paper to take back to New Zealand. Our friend Yu-san helped us source this paper, which we got specially made to go with stamps that our other friend Natsuko made for us.
Yu was so generous helping us to source the paper & even used her company accounts to order them. Would have been impossible without her.

We took the paper back to NZ in our luggage & stamp each one ourselves in our Eden Terrace studio. Our stamps were made for us by another Japanese friend Natsuko-san.

Handmade stamps
Handcut by Natsuko-san & Mason, then individually hand stamped by us in our studio.

We met Natsuko-san when she used to run a soba restaurant in Kyoto. Not only was it our favourite soba we had ever had, Natsuko-san and her partner Yoko-san were very interested in 'total design' (a term they introduced me to). Total design was a concept they were inspired by after working together at a famous cafe in Mashiko called Starnet. Natsuko-san's soba shop was very beautiful. They spent years refining their craft of hand made soba. They tried to use as many organic ingredients as they could (a challenge in Japan!) & amazingly they did the cafe fit out themselves & made their own clothes & the curtains at the shop, sourced each piece of pottery from their time in Mashiko (a famous pottery town). They also handmade stamps that they used on recycled scrap paper to write down orders or use for the bill.

Natsuko also made the 'Thank you, from KLAY' stamps that we use on our dot stickers.

Natsuko inspired Mason to make stamps for the different sizes of our Hemp Shower Curtain packaging.

We got these round white stickers custom made for us in Japan, with the help of our friend Yu-san. It took months of getting sticker samples from different paper companies and testing how the stickers took the ink of the stamp. In the end we used the same beautiful washi paper sticker inspired by Yu's friend, who makes organic honey & uses the same washi paper on his honey pots.
Some of the stickers and paper ended up being sent after we left Japan and got delivered to the wrong address in NZ, but somehow we got the box in the end!

Our first postcard artwork was made by Anna Hodgson & Harry Darby.
When we first started Klay (back in 2016) we commissioned my old friends Anna & Harry (who also make the Lunar Calendars) to make us an artwork for Klay that we could use a bit like a logo, to send a postcard out with orders.
At some point in our Klay journey, quite early on, we decided that swing tags (the tags that hang from products/ garments in shops) were not actually needed for the products we make. We thought it would be nicer to send something with orders that people could hold on to, stick to the fridge, or use as a bookmark, or something to write a list on the back, or to be used as a card if gifting Klay items.
Something that was made by artists. We didn't want a photo of our work or someones house - we thought it was a nice opportunity to create something people would hopefully want to hang onto.
Anna & Harry made the first Klay postcard artwork in what has gone onto be a series of postcard artworks we have commissioned from artist friends. This postcard is the one we send with first time orders.

Our second postcard artwork was made by Ilke Gers.
The next postcard we got made, is by another artist friend Ilke Gers. This postcard is the one we send out with third time orders :) Can you see the Klay letters in the postcard? K L A Y
Ilke Gers is a visual artist from Aotearoa New Zealand. She is now based in Rotterdam. She makes site-specific installations and works with text, drawing and publishing to explore the relationship between the body, movement and language. We are really lucky that Ilke made us this artwork!

For the 4th & 5th customer orders, we send these postcards made by Cynthia Fan.
The artwork of these postcards was made for us by Cynthia Fan. I had been a fan of Cynthia's incredible arrangements via her instagram account for years, so asked if she would be open to creating some artwork for us to print as postcards. She made these when she was back home in South Africa visiting (she now lives in the UK). We were intrigued when she introduced us to the Sausage Tree, which features in this artwork.

Our most recent postcard artwork was made by Amanny Ahmad.
The latest postcard to join our collection was made for us by our friend Palestinian artist Amanny Ahmad. We had been planning this postcard collaboration for Klay for a long time. Amanny took this photo in May 2023, when she was cooking for a Palestinian wedding; it depicts a traditional Palestinian dish called "Warak Einab" or "Dawali" (stuffed grape leaves). A longtime focus of her work has been representing Palestinian food-and the struggles and resistance attached to it-to global audiences, while educating about the implications of culinary colonialism in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of her people. I have looked up to Amanny for years and I have learned so much from her. I am grateful to her for inspiring so many of us with the beauty she gives through food, art practice, writing, kindness & truth. We are proud to be sending these postcards with orders. This is the postcard we send out with second orders.

Gift Wrapping
All the wrapping/ packaging above is how we send out all orders. If you ever ask for anything to be gift wrapped, it will be using special gift wrapping paper & paper ribbon that I brought back from Kyoto.
If you ever want anything gift wrapped just add a note at checkout, or send me an email.

Again, I was inspired by packaging in Japan for our gift wrap! The photo to the right is at a biscuit shop in Kyoto that is "several hundred" years old!! I loved their packaging set up too. I want to find those ribbon dispensers one day. After we bought some biscuits from here, we went on a mission to find this paper ribbon.

And we managed to find the paper ribbon! At a packaging supply shop in Kyoto. I showed them the photo of the ribbon, gave them my email address & a couple weeks later they had ordered some in for us. I send rolls back to NZ.

I really like how the packaging supplies are packaged themselves in simple brown kraft paper with matching brown paper tape.

This is how we wrap our physical gift vouchers by default (and any thing you would like gift wrapped!) using the paper ribbon :) gift wrap, and note paper we brought back from Kyoto.

The end of my packaging blog post!
If you are interested in seeing more of our blog posts, check them out here. Thanks for following along! Hannah :)